Monday 1 July 2013

the power of one

A magic leverage suddenly is caught
That moves the veiled Ineffable's timeless will:
A prayer, a master act, a king idea
Can link man's strength to a transcendent Force.
Then miracle is made the common rule,
One mighty deed can change the course of things;
 A lonely thought becomes omnipotent. The Issue. Book I Savitri. Sri Aurobindo

The entire history of the world since its inception is the story of individuals who were the pioneers and who broke new ground. Right from the Vedic Rishis,the Greek philosophers and warriors like Napoleon,Ceaser and Alexander,it was always the power of one! They were the leaders of human evolution and progress. They had the power to translate their vision into reality. Of course they had to face tremendous opposition from the forces of status-quo but they persisted and succeeded because fortune and destiny favoured them. What was a trickle soon turned into a torrent!
All over the world today individuals are creating history!  In Tunisia,Egypt,India,Pakistan,Brazil,China,US and many other countries brave individuals are engaged in a do or die struggle to improve the lives of millions of their bretheren. Snowden,Assange,Malala Yusufzai,Anil Joshi and numerous unknown individuals are creating gold out of dust! All attempts by vested interests to thwart them have failed because the future is unfolding rapidly before our eyes.
All the revolutions happened because a few brave individuals could read the writing on the wall and stake their everything to execute their vision!

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